Marguerite deAngeli Collection Loan Agreement

Marguerite deAngeli Collection Loan Agreement 

Materials will be considered for loan from the Marguerite de Angeli Collection. The following conditions are required before any consideration will be given: 

1) Materials will be displayed only in locked cases out of any direct sunlight. 

2) Selection of items must be based on staff consent. 

3) Loan will be made for no longer than a one-month period without special library board approval. 

4) The book, Michigan's Marguerite de Angeli, will be displayed with information on how copies may be obtained. 

5) The Lapeer District Library will be credited in the display as the source of the materials on loan. 

6) Items will be protected by the borrowing institution's insurance. 

7) Arrangements for transporting items must be agreed upon and any sent through the mail must be securely packed and insured. 

8) The Lapeer District Library will supply a list of items being loaned and their values when available. 


__________________________________ ______________________________________ 

Borrowing Unit Dates of Loan 

_________________________________ ______________________________________ 

Contact Person Contact information (e-mail and/or phone) 


Borrowing Unit Address 

____________________________________________ ___________________ 

Signature Date 

Witnessed by ____________________________________________________________ 

Lapeer District Library staff member 

_____ Photo ID presented and verified 

Board Motion: 12R.09.07 

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