Lunch on the Lawn - Dino Day with Paleo Joe
Join us every Tuesday & Thursday for a FREE lunch for children ages 0-18! Registration is required for lunches. To register, call the deAngeli Branch Children's Desk by noon the day before the program.
Due to the expected snow storm, all branches of the Lapeer District Library will be closing at 5 PM on Wednesday, February 12 and will be closed on Thursday, February 13.
Join us every Tuesday & Thursday for a FREE lunch for children ages 0-18! Registration is required for lunches. To register, call the deAngeli Branch Children's Desk by noon the day before the program.
The Knitters Group meets at the Metamora Branch Library on Thursdays from 1-3pm in the meeting room. Participants are welcome to gather to knit or do other crafts that can be hand carried. No paints or other liquids allowed.
Anyone interested in crochet, knitting felting, sewing, spinning weaving or any other fiber art is welcome. All skill levels are welcome!
Learn about Michigan bats, their habitat, food & more! Presented by Seven Ponds Nature Center.
If you require a reasonable accommodation to attend a meeting, please contact the library administration office (810) 664-9521 at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.
TLC helps make the library a better place for teens. Meeting at the deAngeli Branch Library on the third Thursday of the month. Meetings take place in the fiction area on the second floor of the building.